Sunday 3 November 2013

True but unbelievable, twins from different father

20-year-old Mia Washington of Dallas, Texas, gave birth to twin boys, Justin and Jordan. About 10 months later, she started realizing they didn't look very similar. So she got a paternity test.

According to the test, there was only a 0.1% chance they could have the same father.

How's that possible? Mia got knocked up by her partner James Harrison, then, within 48 hours, cheated on him. (With an unidentified man.)

Yes, if you just heard a thud, it was Maury Povich fainting from overstimulation.

Because Mia had produced multiple eggs while ovulating, both men fertilized their own egg... leaving her unknowingly pregnant with twins from different fathers.

That means her twins are officially half brothers. Oh, and Mia is pregnant again. She promises this time James is for sure the father.


  1. Nd someone was talking abt trusting a gal??


  2. Lol, Raph you gat trust a girl, wen u love her
